Wednesday 21 June 2023

Enhance your Personality with an MBA. Explore 6 ways it molds and shapes you for success.

Remember your first-ever public speech in class? Were your hands not all sweaty? Wondering how to improve my personality? You are not alone. There are a lot of students who want to develop soft skills that will help them excel in their careers. We all understand the benefits of personality development for students.

The answer to all your questions is an MBA. An MBA program assures you of bringing that confidence to open your arms to the world with an avalanche of public speaking opportunities, group discussions, and networking opportunities.

In this blog, let's understand how MBA helps build a personality and gain top skills for MBA graduates

6 Ways How an MBA helps you enhance your Personality

Get Out of your Comfort Zone

MBA programs challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and tackle complex business problems. By successfully navigating these challenges, you build confidence in your abilities. Presenting your ideas, participating in class discussions, and engaging in networking events can also help boost your self-assurance. Increased confidence positively impacts your personality by projecting a sense of self-assuredness and assertiveness.

Self Awareness

MBA programs often incorporate personal development components that encourage self-reflection and self-awareness. Through leadership assessments, coaching sessions, and personal reflections, you gain insights into your strengths, weaknesses, values, and aspirations. This self-awareness allows you to understand yourself better and make conscious decisions about your personal and professional growth.

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Effective communication and interpersonal skills are essential for success in any field. MBA programs often include coursework and practical exercises focused on improving these skills. Through presentations, case discussions, team projects, and networking opportunities, you can refine your communication style, active listening, and conflict-resolution abilities. Strong communication and interpersonal skills contribute to building your personality by enabling you to connect with others, build relationships, and influence people positively.

Code of Conduct

Knowing what to do and say in any situation is critical to developing a successful career. With an MBA program, you can improve your personal, social, and professional etiquette and ethics, which are crucial in the corporate world. By collaborating with people from all backgrounds, you'll gain knowledge of many cultures and learn about morality and values, which are essential while making moral decisions at work. You can use your professional etiquette in campus events, including career fairs, interviews, alumni visits, and company site visits.

Emotional Intelligence

MBA programs increasingly emphasize the development of emotional intelligence (EQ). EQ refers to recognizing and managing your emotions and effectively understanding and empathizing with others. By studying organizational behavior, leadership and working in diverse teams, you can enhance your EQ. Developing emotional intelligence enhances your personality by fostering empathy, adaptability, and effective interpersonal relationships.

Global Perspective

As businesses operate in an increasingly interconnected world, MBA programs often incorporate a global perspective. Participating in exchange programs or engaging with diverse classmates exposes you to different cultures, views, and business methods. This global perspective enhances your personality by fostering open-mindedness, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to navigate and thrive in diverse environments.

Contemplating if you want to do an MBA? 

Transitioning from a nervous introvert to a confident leader is demanding but rewarding. You'll become more confident in yourself and able to handle any obstacle that comes your way with each new opportunity.

Pursuing an MBA program will provide you with the platform and resources to build your personality, but it ultimately depends on your active engagement, self-reflection, and application of the knowledge, experiences, and skills the MBA teaches you. Finally, how mba helps in personal growth will matter on your willingness to learn, adapt, and grow to build your personality.

If you want to pursue your MBA from the top MBA colleges in Kolkata, BIBS should be your first choice. Awarded the Best Education Brand by Economic Times, BIBS offers a dynamic range of MBA programs that helps students gain top trending skills relevant for the future. With holistic classroom sessions, the MBA program curriculum is designed for students to build practical knowledge through industry training. Not to forget, you can also explore international internship opportunities and expand your horizon. Thus, by assisting graduates in profile building and interview training, BIBS provides a 100% placement guarantee. Isn't that the best part?

Visit our website now and explore the diverse programs to prepare yourself for the future with BIBS. 

Friday 9 June 2023

Mastering Corporate Branding: Unveiling the Concept and Strategies for Success

Every person is differentiated based on their personality and identity. The same goes for companies. Their brand defines their existence and recognition by the audience. In this blog, we will dive into the essence of corporate branding and the strategies that can help you make a strong brand. 

What is Corporate Branding?

Corporate branding is a comprehensive approach to shaping and managing a company's reputation, identity, and perception. It helps create a strong and enduring brand that connects with stakeholders emotionally and supports the company's strategic objectives.

Key Strategies for Successful Corporate Branding

Here are some key strategies to consider when mastering corporate branding:

  • Brand Identity

Establish your brand's identity by describing the values that set your business apart from the competition. This includes your brand's mission, vision, and core values. Gain a thorough understanding of what your brand stands for and what it represents.

  • Brand Consistency

Every company wants the masses to recognize its brand. That is where

Consistency comes into the picture. Ensure all brand elements, such as logo, colours, typography, and messaging, are consistent across all platforms and touchpoints. Your branding should reinforce your brand identity in the minds of your audience.

  • Brand Positioning

How you want your brand to be perceived by your customers will influence your brand positioning decision. Hence, identify your target audience and research their needs, preferences, and pain points. Based on this understanding, position your brand as the solution to their problems or the provider of unique value. Craft a compelling brand positioning statement that communicates your unique selling proposition.

  • Brand Messaging

Your brand should voice a clear and consistent message wherever it is present. Define key statements that reflect your brand's values, benefits, and promises. Ensure these messages resonate with your target audience and are communicated consistently across all channels, including your website, social media, advertising, and public relations efforts.

  • Employee Engagement

Do not underestimate the power of your front-line warriors. Your employees can shape your corporate brand. Engage them in the brand development process and ensure they understand and embody your brand values. Train and empower them to be brand ambassadors, consistently delivering on your brand promise and reinforcing your brand image.

  • Brand Experience

Well, at the end of the day, it all boils down to the experience you provide to your stakeholders when they interact with you. Pay attention to every touchpoint, from your website and social media channels to customer service and packaging, and strive to create a positive and consistent brand experience at every step of the customer journey. It helps build trust, loyalty, and advocacy.

  • Thought Leadership

Make the company leadership the face of the brand. Share valuable insights, expertise, and knowledge through content marketing, industry events, public speaking engagements, and media relations. Thought leadership enhances your brand's reputation and positions your company as a trusted authority.

  • Brand Monitoring

After you have done the above and established your brand, evaluating how it is perceived in the market is essential. Utilize tools like social listening, customer surveys, and online reputation management to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments. Keep a pulse on industry trends and consumer sentiments to stay relevant and adapt your branding strategy as needed.

  • Brand Evolution

As your company grows and evolves, periodically review and refine your branding strategy. Stay attuned to changes in the market, customer preferences, and competitive landscape. Adapt your brand positioning, messaging, and visual identity to remain relevant and maintain a strong connection with your audience.


Corporate identity is the face of a business that makes it stand apart among the crowd. Building a brand from scratch requires focus and dedication. In this competitive business environment, creating corporate identities has become non-negotiable. We hope this blog provides a step-by-step process for building a strong corporate identity. 

 A role in Corporate branding offers a mix of creativity, strategy, and impact. If you have a passion for branding, a keen eye for design and messaging, and enjoy working in a dynamic and strategic environment, a career in corporate branding can be a fulfilling choice.

If this resonates with you, an MBA in business management in Kolkata with BIBS will definitely help you facilitate your professional growth. Students in this program receive additional Data Analytics, Digital Marketing and MS Office certifications, along with Comprehensive FMCG Training from Industry experts to build core practical skill sets relevant to the industry. 

To shape your future in the corporate business world, join the program now!

Exploring the Different MBA Specializations: Which One is Right for You?

In today’s competitive job market, an MBA can be a game-changer for career advancement. However, with numerous MBA specializations available...