Thursday 13 October 2022

4 Things to know before enrolling in an EMBA school

An Executive Master of Business Administration (Executive MBA), is either a two-year or a one-year program, but it’s aimed at business executives with more than two to three years of managerial experience. In part-time programs, executive MBA students keep their full-time jobs and typically attend classes on Fridays and weekends. 

Going to graduate school requires time and money, so choosing to pursue an advanced degree is a big decision. Expect a commitment that calls for certain adjustments in how you handle your time, money, and energy when you decide to enroll in an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA).

Students pursuing executive MBAs are increasing. When making a shortlist, a variety of variables will be taken into account, and you'll receive plenty of guidance on how to choose wisely. It can occasionally get very perplexing. 

Here are some things to think about before choosing to enroll in an Executive MBA program if you're having trouble narrowing down a huge selection of programs.

Is Executive MBA the correct choice:

Executive MBA is a great course to study. This course is an ideal option in terms of its curriculum, course material, and time constraints.

Schedule of your Executive MBA Program:

EMBA is a course for all working professionals so when selecting an Executive MBA, the timetable is a crucial factor. The schedule should be such that one can easily manage their studies without hampering their job. 

Course Content and Faculty:

Choose a B-School that has teachers and instructors who have outstanding credentials and relevant experience. Additionally, you should opt for a school whose curriculum is regularly updated to reflect contemporary business trends.

Diversity and International Exposure on Offer:

 One should choose a college that gives them the opportunity to interact with kids from various origins and experience different cultures. They should check whether their B School offers international exposure.

Candidates for an MBA with training must develop a variety of essential abilities to thrive in their careers. It is crucial that their program should include a variety of topics, including managing multicultural teams, critical thinking, integrating across business disciplines, team dynamics, and a number of other topics. Along with this, they must have a full understanding of the scientific management methods that will direct daily decision-making and be familiar with the many management domains and how they are used. The Bengal of Bengal Institute, an Executive MBA in Kolkata has chosen a curriculum with the knowledge that it will be crucial to the MBA candidate's success in achieving these objectives. 

Tuesday 11 October 2022

How To Tackle MBA Admission Questions

Getting admission to a top MBA college in Kolkata requires a long process of appearing for an examination, getting shortlisted, and then qualifying for the interview round. If you are looking for ways to tackle MBA admission questions, let us assume that you cleared the first two-step. 

Note, it is essential to devote time and attention to this vital factor of the interview as it might have a direct impact on your admission. 

To successfully complete the interview round, you must identify the questions that can be asked to you and prepare appropriate responses. Preparing your answers ahead of time eliminates nervousness and allows you to respond confidently. Given below is provided with some common questions asked during the interview round and the way to answer them. 

1. Tell me about yourself

Answer the question within the time duration of 2-3 minutes and limit your response relating to the programme. Provide a brief explanation of your background, experience, and accomplishments. 

Discuss the topic explaining your education on the bachelor's degree and the reason for choosing it as your undergraduate degree. Briefly explain your work experiences and accomplishments along with your career goals. 

2. The reason you want to earn an MBA degree

To overcome MBA admission questions, note that interviewers are looking for a well-researched, thoughtful assessment. Panelists may want to know why you've chosen this particular path as part of your overall career plan. Explain in detail why you want to pursue a graduate in business degree and how it will help you advance in your career. Highlight the specific skills you wish to acquire and how they relate to the field, job function, or industry of interest to you.

3. Reason for being interested in that particular school.

Answer the MBA admission question in such a way that it lets the interviewer visualize you as a part of their community. Discuss in detail why the school is perfect for you. Talk about their faculty, curriculum, culture, industry connections, and the job placements provided by the institution.

4. Why should we hire you?

Use this MBA admission question to show off your ability to address topics directly and with supporting evidence. Mention your accomplishments, emphasize the skills you've developed so far in your career, and explain how your academic and professional experience will benefit others in the programme.

5. Your achievements as a leader.

All business school interviewers are looking for strong future leaders. Arrange several examples of times you demonstrated leadership in professional, volunteer, and community settings. Discuss the initiatives you led and the outcomes you achieved.

Lastly, You might well be asked about your strengths and weaknesses separately or in a single combined question. In either case, the interviewer's goal is to assess your humility and self-awareness. Begin by describing your weaknesses, as if you were telling a story about how you overcame a personal shortcoming. Addressing strengths is relatively simple from there: choose one or two that you believe set you apart from the competition and validate with concrete examples.

Exploring the Different MBA Specializations: Which One is Right for You?

In today’s competitive job market, an MBA can be a game-changer for career advancement. However, with numerous MBA specializations available...